About The Author, Peter Liciaga: The Bronx Maverick Who Danced with Destiny

Peter Liciaga’s life reads like a script torn straight from the streets of the Bronx, where the rhythm of urban life pulses through his veins. Rising from the asphalt jungles where gangs roamed, Peter’s journey epitomizes resilience, reinvention, and the power of the human spirit.

A product of the Bronx’s fiery crucible, Peter’s early years were a dance with danger, navigating the treacherous currents of street gangs. Yet, amidst the chaos, he found his footing in an unlikely sanctuary – the gymnasium of a Bronx project. Here, amidst the echoes of struggle, he discovered the discipline and grace of karate, setting him on a path less traveled.

Leaving behind the shadows of his past, Peter embraced the spotlight, channeling his energy into the art of dance. From the bright lights of Hershey Park to the storied stages of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s productions, Peter’s moves dazzled audiences, his every step a testament to his indomitable spirit.

But Peter’s journey wasn’t confined to the stage. In the corridors of life, he found new avenues to inspire and empower. Partnering with Master Dinoto, he honed his craft at Dinoto Karate Center, now reborn as Action Karate Mt Laurel, where he imparts not just martial arts but life’s invaluable lessons.

A man of many talents, Peter’s pen is as mighty as his footwork. His book, “Living A Strong Life,” is a chronicle of triumph over adversity, a beacon of hope for those navigating life’s unpredictable terrain. And in “Chris’s Adventure,” the inaugural installment of his “Living Strong Kids Adventures,” Peter invites young minds to embark on journeys of self-discovery and courage.

As a senior master instructor and program director, Peter’s influence extends far beyond the dojo. He’s a beacon of light in his community, weaving tales of inspiration through book readings and storytimes, igniting the imaginations of young and old alike.

For those seeking to connect with Peter and embark on their own adventures, visit www.peterliciaga.com and www.livingstrongkids.com – portals to a world where dreams take flight and the spirit knows no bounds.