The Journey of a Shy Hero – CONFIDENCE



In this inspiring story, young Oliver, who is timid, thoughtful, and shy, embarks on a hero’s journey at his karate school. Despite perceiving some kids’ laughter as malicious due to his low self-esteem, Oliver learns to combine his love for reading and chess with martial arts to build confidence. Through determination and inner strength, Oliver faces his fears and grows stronger during a board-breaking demonstration at a community event, metaphorically breaking through life’s obstacles and showing that true strength comes from within.

Living Strong Lesson: True strength comes from within, and facing challenges helps us grow and become smart, strong, and confident.

Questions for discussion with your little ones:

  1. What did Oliver like to do before he started karate?
  2. Why did Oliver’s parents enroll him in the karate school?
  3. How did Oliver feel when the other kids laughed during practice?
  4. What did Oliver do to get better at karate?
  5. What was the special event that Oliver participated in?
  6. How did Oliver feel after he broke the boards at the demonstration?
  7. What did Oliver learn about himself by the end of the story?


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