The Gift of Being Present – POWER IN THE MOMENT



In this inspiring story, young Maya learns the importance of living in the moment at her karate school. With the guidance of the Old Karate Master, she discovers that focusing on the here and now helps her improve her skills and find peace. This tale teaches children that living in the present makes them strong, focused, and happy.

Living Strong Lesson: Wherever you are, be there fully. Living in the moment makes us strong, focused, and happy.

Questions for discussion with your little ones:

  1. Why was Maya often distracted during her karate practice?
  2. What did the Old Karate Master teach Maya about being present?
  3. How did focusing on the present moment help Maya in her karate practice?
  4. Why is it important to live in the moment rather than thinking about the past or future?
  5. How can you practice being present in your daily activities?
  6. What can you do to make this moment special and empowering for yourself and others?


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